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Thursday August 29, 2024 1:15pm - 2:30pm CDT
People of color face inequities and inequalities, culturally and systematically. People of color are one of the most vulnerable populations for being trafficked – Black girls make up most of the sex-trafficking victims in the US, while most labor-trafficking victims in the US are Latinx. We will give a brief overview of human trafficking, why people of color are most at risk for trafficking, how systemic racism leads to lost opportunities to identify survivors of color, the societal barriers that trafficking victims of color face as it pertains to their interactions with “first responders” such as law enforcement at times of emergency or crisis, and challenges that lead to access to health care, legal representation, and other resources and support systems. We will use Language access as a case study, with an impact video about language access provided by Co-presenter Zurisday Briz Robbins.
avatar for Sara Espahbodi

Sara Espahbodi

Staff Attorney, TLSC
avatar for Ugochukwu, Davina

Ugochukwu, Davina

Davina Ugochukwu is a staff attorney with Lone Star Legal Aid’s Justice for Human Trafficking Survivors program. The JHTS program was created in response to the unique civil legal needs that survivors of labor and sex trafficking face when attempting to stabilize their lives and... Read More →

Zurisday Briz

Gulf Coast Alianza
Thursday August 29, 2024 1:15pm - 2:30pm CDT
Room 408

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