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Tuesday August 27, 2024 1:30pm - 2:45pm CDT
This session equips our pro bono teams to create pro bono projects and practices that help pro bono attorneys identify and overcome linguistic and cultural barriers to effectively deliver pro bono services to help immigrants. Texas is home to many low-income immigrants from many different nationalities and cultures. Yes, many pro bono attorneys have little experience working through interpreters and are hesitant to represent non-English speakers from diverse cultures on pro bono matters. Attorneys from three Texas’ pro bono programs, ProBAR, Human Rights Initiative and Tahirih Justice Center will share what approaches their pro bono programs are using to encourage and support pro bono attorneys to represent non-English speakers, using tools, program supports, and training modules to help pro bono attorneys overcome common linguistic and cultural barriers that impede communication and effective representation. Participants will engage in an interactive session to discuss the do’s and do-nots when it comes to using non-professional interpreters. We will also dive into conversations of what practices pro bono teams can use to facilitate an effective first attorney/ client meeting.
avatar for Anne Chandler

Anne Chandler

Executive Director, Texas Immigration Law Council
Hi, I'm incredibly interested in how we can try bold strategies to help immigrants and refugees in Texas access basic civil legal services. I am eager to see how we can work collaboratively to create legal structures that function and permit all individuals easily access their ri... Read More →

Lucero, Richard

Human Rights Initiative Of North Texas
Tuesday August 27, 2024 1:30pm - 2:45pm CDT
Salon D
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